What Beekeepers Feed Their Bees, and Why it’s Important

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Learn about bee food, and why beekeepers feed their bees. Starvation is a serious threat to smaller unestablished colonies, so feeding them is very important!

A Colony of Honeybees on Beehive

It is Important That Beekeepers Feed Their Bees!

When you have a colony that isn’t very well established, or when you get a package of bees, they need to be fed. The reasoning behind this is they could easily die of starvation if not! A package of bees generally gets thrown into a beehive with frames that haven’t been drawn out yet. Therefore, there is nowhere for them to store honey yet! Feeding them helps them draw out comb faster, and start filling it with resources!

In the early spring, and late fall, there isn’t many pollen sources. Feeding them in the spring helps give them a much needed boost! Feeding in the fall ensures they are able to build up their winter stores, so they can put away enough honey to make it through winter!

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What do Bees Eat?

Bees forage for nectar and pollen from flowers. Both are stored in the hive and used to make honey, and bee bread. Bee bread is the product of fermented pollen, bee saliva, and flower nectar stored inside of the honeycomb. Bees need bee bread as it is a source of protein. Honey is bee saliva, mixed with flower nectar. The bees make honey by storing it in the honeycomb cells, and once the right amount of moisture has evaporated, they cap the honey with beeswax to store it for later! Bees get their carbohydrates from honey. Both protein and carbohydrates are very important for them to survive!

So how do we feed the bees, if they are the ones that make bee bread and honey? Simple! There are different things we can make or buy for feeding the bees!

honey bee entrance feeder filled with sugar syrup

Sugar Syrup

Sugar syrup is a honey substitute, and it is very easy to make! You can learn how to make your own sugar syrup to save money! Depending on what time of year you are feeding your bees, you will either need to feed a mixture of 1:1 sugar and water, or 2:1 sugar and water! You can also add Honey-B-Healthy which encourages the bees to draw out comb faster, and helps promote a strong, healthy colony. If you aren’t into DIY, you can buy pre-made syrup for feeding your bees.

Pollen Patties

Pollen patties are a protein source that helps the queen start laying in overdrive. If you are concerned that there isn’t enough pollen sources in the area, you can supplement with pollen patties. A good time to feed pollen patties is in the spring time, right after the nectar starts flowing. If the bees don’t need it, they won’t take it, but you can offer it! You can make your own pollen patties if you want to! But you can also buy them if you don’t have time for that.

Bee Fondant

Bee fondant is an emergency feed for bees in the winter time. This is placed right inside of the brood chamber for easy access. Bee fondant is made from sugar, water, and an acid (usually vinegar.) You can buy bee fondant or make your own!

Candy Board

Candy boards are for helping bees get through the winter. You can provide a candy board for your bees just in case they run out of honey. A candy board is just sugar and water that is hardened. The bees take the sugar and use it to make honey to put up! There are special feeders used for candy boards. You can build one yourself if you are good at DIY. You typically have to make candy boards yourself, but they are very easy. Learn more about how to make a candy board here.

Close-Up Photo of Honeybee Perched on Flower

Will Bees Ever Feed Themselves?

You shouldn’t always have to feed your bees. If you are a first year beekeeper, trying to establish a package of bees or a nuc, you should plan on feeding the bees all throughout the summer. Once they become a more established colony, you should only have to feed them in the early spring and late fall, maybe not even at all!

Remember, there are bees in the wild that are capable of taking care of themselves. One of my goals of beekeeping is to get to the point where my bees don’t have to rely on me for anything, and are capable of taking care of themselves. Everyone does beekeeping differently, and you just have to determine what works best for you.

FAQ About Feeding Bees:

What is the best thing to feed bees?

It depends on the time of year, and purpose of feeding. Each different type of feed has its own time and place.

How do I know if I need to be feeding my bees?

If you are establishing a colony from a package of bees, or a nuc, you should be feeding to help support the colony and help them build up their numbers.

How often should I feed my bees?

If you are feeding to establish a new colony, feed as often as you need to. When the bees empty their feeders, refill them ASAP.

What happens if I don’t feed my bees?

If you don’t feed your bees, they may starve. Especially if it is during a time where there is not a nectar flow, or pollen sources around.

Do I need to feed my bees during the winter time?

It is advised to have some source of food for your bees in the winter, especially if you think they may be short on honey stores.

If you are considering becoming a beekeeper, you should do as much research as possible! I highly recommend this book if you are wanting to learn more about bees, and become a beekeeper!

Read more about beekeeping:

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